Individualized Education Program | Lexmark India

Individualized Education Program

Improve IEP communication and monitor student progress

When a child struggles with schoolwork, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) may be recommended. In those cases, the IEP team is critical to regular student progress. This includes the student, the IEP case manager or counselor, one or more parents, the homeroom teacher, a special education teacher—and, when appropriate, a speech-language pathologist or occupational therapist, as well as an assistive technology specialist or school psychologist.

Because an IEP may require up to 250 different paper documents, it’s critical for the team to communicate with each other and track the student’s progress so they can satisfy the legal requirements of the IEP—and help each student meet the goals and objectives the team has set.

Speedy access for greater productivity

Lexmark’s IEP processing solution helps your staff be more productive by providing quick access to the information needed to manage the special education process—and by automating the workflow. Our solution collects and stores all the paper and digital documents related to a student’s IEP in a secure electronic file, providing convenient access from your Student Information System (SIS) or your special education software.

This solution helps improve communication among the team, enables continuous updates of the student’s progress and allows the team to work together more effectively—all while maintaining confidentiality requirements and complying with due process laws.

Benefits of IEP Processing

  • Improve communication between teachers and parents
  • Efficiently track assessments, student plans, reviews and more
  • Keep student files updated and organized in a secure repository
  • Make information easily accessible
  • Prepare for audits with tracking features and reporting

Get in touch with a Lexmark enterprise solutions consultant, contact us today.

Lexmark IEP Processing Solution Video
Lexmark IEP Processing Solution Video

[MP4 ]

Discover how our solution frees up teachers to spend more time with special-needs students.

Lexmark IEP Processing Solution Demo
Lexmark IEP Processing Solution Demo

[MP4 ]

Learn how our IEP solution can efficiently manage mountains of paperwork.