Cancellation form

Do you want to cancel your subscription contract with Lexmark? To do that, we'll need the following information from you.

If you already have access to our subscription portal, you can also use the portal to manage or cancel your subscriptions: Subscription portal

* = Mandatory information

Your subscription contract

please allow 1 week minimum

Please enter your subscription contract number here.

Personal data will be handled in accordance with Lexmark’s Privacy Notice you find here:

You can save your cancellation request afterwards.

In addition, we will send you a confirmation of the receipt of your request.

We will then forward the request to the relevant subscription service for processing.

The service will review your subscription contract and other information to determine the first possible date that your subscription can be cancelled.

You will then receive confirmation of the contract cancellation date.

We will process your request as quickly as possible.

Please note that processing times vary depending on cancellation request volumes and other factors.