Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Lexmark located?

Lexmark is a privately held technology company headquartered in Lexington, KY, with offices throughout North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Africa. Lexmark manufacturing facilities are located in Boulder, Colorado and Juarez, Mexico.


How many employees does Lexmark have?

Lexmark employs approximately 8,200 people around the world, with nearly 2,000 employees in the U.S. 


When was Lexmark founded?

Founded in 1991 as a spinoff of IBM, Lexmark was listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1995. In 2016, Lexmark was acquired by a consortium of investors led by Ninestar.


What products/services does Lexmark provide? 

Lexmark creates cloud-enabled imaging and IoT technologies that help customers in more than 170 countries worldwide quickly realize business outcomes.

Through a powerful combination of proven technologies and deep industry expertise, we accelerate business transformation, turning information into insights, data into decisions, and analytics into action.


What industries does Lexmark serve?

Lexmark serves customers across many sectors, including manufacturing, retail, financial services, healthcare, education, government and more. 

We are particularly proud of our strong relationship with the U.S. government and the work we do with federal, state and local government customers around the country, as well as public education institutions. 


Is Lexmark a public company?

Lexmark transitioned from a public to private company in April 2016, following an acquisition by a consortium of investors led by Ninestar. This strong financial backing, similar to shareholders in a U.S. publicly traded company, has allowed Lexmark to continue to flourish in a dynamic, rapidly evolving global marketplace.


As a private company, what is Lexmark’s corporate structure? 

Lexmark’s business operations are governed by our U.S.-based board of directors, which includes three former U.S. Cabinet members and a recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics. This structure ensures Lexmark remains fully independent and free from investor influence. Every member of our executive leadership team and board of directors are American citizens living in the U.S.

Like all U.S. businesses acquired by foreign investors, Lexmark’s acquisition required approval from the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS). CFIUS approved the transaction after conducting a thorough review to ensure U.S. national security interests were not at risk. 

Lexmark operates under a detailed governance structure outlined in our National Security Agreement with the U.S. Departments of Defense (DoD) and Homeland Security (DHS). This agreement requires, in part, that Lexmark remain a U.S. company with a board of directors made up entirely of U.S. citizens which operates independently of investors.


What role do Lexmark’s investors play in company operations?

Similar to shareholders in a publicly traded company, Lexmark investors have no operational control over the company, no access to the Lexmark network, no access to source code of any kind, and no access to our customers' information. 


How often is Lexmark audited by the U.S. Government?

We are audited annually by an independent Security Monitor appointed by the U.S. government to ensure compliance with our National Security Agreement. Lexmark has successfully passed each audit, reaffirming that Lexmark poses zero risk to U.S. national security. 


Is Lexmark subject to China’s 2017 National Intelligence Law?

No. Disclosing any information that would compromise the security of our customers is contrary to our contractual obligations to customers, our core company values, and worldwide data privacy laws and regulations. In addition, sharing any U.S. customer information with Lexmark investors is strictly prohibited by our National Security Agreement with the U.S. Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, and compliance is audited. 


How does Lexmark ensure its customer data is secure? 

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of data protection and cybersecurity and we have a proven history of following best-in-class practices that safeguard user data.

Our award-winning privacy program, Privacy at Lexmark (P@L), consists of 80 employees at both corporate and business unit levels and is led by a Data Protection Officer. This team creates and maintains repeatable processes designed to respect and protect the data privacy of our customers and their users, and to comply with global privacy regulations.

Lexmark’s holistic approach allows it to provide systematic security for the device, the fleet, and across the network infrastructure,” IDC MarketScape


Are Lexmark products secure?

We take data protection and cybersecurity seriously with our Secure by Design approach. All Lexmark source code is developed and maintained in the U.S. Our products and solutions are designed to meet the strictest industry specifications and third-party certifications. As a member of the Responsible Business Alliance, we champion safe and secure working conditions. We carry out extensive security and screening checks for each supplier, manufacturing process and finished product, supported by regular audits for quality and authenticity.

Lexmark Security Advisories provide vulnerability management of Lexmark products. Our team of security experts proactively identifies potential vulnerabilities and issues automated alerts, while also helping customers submit concerns quickly and easily for remediation.