Security Solutions | Lexmark Canada

Security Solutions

Your Lexmark laser printer or smart MFP can run security-related apps to fill special needs like print release1, automatic security certificate enrolment and smart card authentication. Another solution can centrally track and audit every document that’s printed, copied, scanned or faxed on your network.

Secure Print Release

Lexmark Print Management1 lets users send jobs from anywhere and pick them up at any print release-configured device on your network. You’ll improve printing flexibility, avoid having documents piling up on printers, protect the confidentiality of documents that would otherwise be out in the open, and save on printing costs. And the whole release process is secured by credentials entered at the device, in the form of network user identification or an ID badge.

Automatic Certificate Enrolment (ACE)

Creating a CA-signed device certificate to permit establishing SSL, IPsec and 802.1x connections for network devices is normally a lengthy process. ACE simplifies the process for certain solutions-enabled devices in an Active Directory environment, requiring entry of only a limited number of domain control and user identity parametres.

Contactless Card Authentication Support

Badge authentication solutions include contactless card solutions for basic badge authentication. This option is available when user identity is linked to office security ID badges. The solutions can verify the badge ID and retrieve user information so the Lexmark device can access held print jobs, identify the source of scanned documents, or identify a user for other purposes.

CAC/PIV and SIPR Card authentication

The Common Access Card (CAC) and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) authentication solution1 provides safe workflow processes for more control over the security of networked Lexmark MFPs in federal government operations. Digital-information-capture functions require strong user authentication to protect against unauthorized access and guard critical data. The same solution also supports SIPR token cards (using a different card interface application) to provide access over the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network.

Secure Content Monitor

Reduce the risks and liabilities associated with security breaches of physical documents. Secure Content Monitor1 can simultaneously monitor and audit the information in millions of documents coming from all of your printers and multifunction products, whether printed or scanned, to improve the way your enterprise detects, investigates and deters wrongdoing. 

To learn more about Lexmark's solutions, contact us today.

1 Optional